How To Stop On A Longboard

If you’re a longboarder looking to improve your stopping skills, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll explore different techniques to help you come to a smooth halt on your longboard.

From foot braking to power sliding, we’ve got you covered. We’ll even dive into using a slide glove for sliding stops and mastering the Coleman Slide. So, grab your board and get ready to learn some essential stopping maneuvers to keep you safe and in control on your longboard ride.

Foot Braking Technique

To stop on a longboard, you can use the foot braking technique. This method involves dragging one foot on the ground to create friction and gradually slow down. It’s important to use your back foot for foot braking as it provides better stability and control. To execute this technique, start by shifting your weight towards your back foot.

Then, extend your back foot slightly behind you and press it firmly against the ground. Apply gentle pressure to gradually slow down without losing balance. Remember to keep your upper body relaxed and maintain a low center of gravity for better stability. The foot braking technique is essential for controlling your speed and ensuring a safe ride on a longboard.

Power Slide Method

The power slide method involves shifting your weight and using your heels to slow down quickly. This technique is commonly used by experienced longboarders to come to a controlled stop. To execute a power slide, begin by shifting your weight towards the back of the board.

As you do this, slightly lift your front foot and place more pressure on your back foot. Next, initiate the slide by forcefully twisting your hips and shoulders in the direction you want to slide. As your board starts to slide, use your heels to apply pressure on the ground, creating friction and slowing down. It’s important to practice this technique in a safe and controlled environment to avoid accidents and injuries.

Using a Slide Glove for Sliding Stops

Using a slide glove can help experienced longboarders execute sliding stops more effectively. The slide glove is a specially designed glove with a replaceable puck on the palm. When performing a sliding stop, the longboarder places their hand on the ground and applies pressure with the puck, allowing them to slide and slow down.

The glove provides additional control and stability during the slide, preventing the hand from getting injured or scraped. By using a slide glove, longboarders can confidently execute sliding stops at higher speeds and with greater precision. It also allows them to maintain their balance and control over the board while coming to a stop. Overall, the slide glove is a valuable tool for longboarders looking to improve their stopping techniques and enhance their overall riding experience.

Learning the Coleman Slide

Learning the Coleman slide can be challenging at first, but with practice, it becomes an essential skill for experienced longboarders. The Coleman slide is a technique used to stop on a longboard by shifting your weight and sliding the wheels sideways. It requires precise balance and control to execute correctly. When you first attempt the Coleman slide, it may feel awkward and difficult to maintain your balance. However, with perseverance and dedication, you will gradually improve your technique. It is important to practice in a safe and open area to avoid any potential accidents. As you become more proficient in the Coleman slide, you will gain confidence in your ability to stop effectively and smoothly, enhancing your overall longboarding experience.

Practicing Emergency Stops

To improve your emergency stopping skills, remember to always maintain a firm grip on the wheels and brace yourself for sudden deceleration. When it comes to longboarding, being able to stop quickly and safely is crucial. One of the first things you should do is practice your balance and stability. This will help you maintain control of the board while stopping. Next, focus on your foot placement.

Keep your front foot slightly angled towards the nose of the board and your back foot near the tail. This will give you better control and stability during an emergency stop. Lastly, practice your braking techniques. Whether it’s using your foot to drag on the ground or using a slide, make sure to familiarize yourself with different methods and choose the one that works best for you. Remember, emergency stops require quick reflexes and proper technique, so practice regularly to improve your skills and stay safe on your longboard.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose the right longboard for stopping techniques?

To choose the right longboard for stopping techniques, consider the board’s size, shape, and deck material. Look for a board with good stability and control, as well as reliable braking mechanisms like slide gloves or footbrakes.

Are there any specific safety gear recommendations for practicing longboard stops?

Specific safety gear recommendations for practicing longboard stops include a helmet to protect your head, knee pads and elbow pads to guard against abrasions, and wrist guards to prevent wrist injuries.

Can I use foot braking on steep downhill slopes?

Yes, foot braking can be used on steep downhill slopes. It involves dragging one foot along the ground to gradually slow down or come to a complete stop.

What are some common mistakes to avoid while learning the Coleman Slide?

Some common mistakes to avoid while learning the Coleman slide include not bending your knees enough, not leaning back enough, and not using enough slide gloves for proper hand placement and balance.

Are there any alternative methods for emergency stops on a longboard?

Yes, there are alternative methods for emergency stops on a longboard. Some options include foot braking, power sliding, or using slide gloves. These techniques can provide effective stopping power in different situations.


In conclusion, learning how to stop on a longboard is crucial for both safety and control. Whether it’s using the foot braking technique, power sliding, or learning advanced techniques like the Coleman Slide, practice is key. Additionally, using a slide glove can provide extra stability and control during sliding stops. By regularly practicing emergency stops, riders can build confidence and improve their ability to quickly come to a halt when necessary. So, get out there, practice these techniques, and enjoy a safer and more enjoyable longboarding experience.
